Now that my Blog has started I need to get used to posting to it! So here is what has been happening: 

June 6th was the Last day of School & every year we have a last day of school party with Chance's class - the weather was GREAT and all of the kids had a blast!! Here is a picture of Chance blowing out the candles on the brownies - every year I have done the birthday cake and each time I end up throwing half of it away - the brownies was a GREAT idea and after two trays there was none left!
June 15th/16th I did my first Relay for Life - for those of you who don't know - it is a way to raise money for Cancer Research - we started walking @ 6:00PM and stopped walking around 10:30AM - we had a few breaks here and there but over all I walked approx. 13 miles - that's a lot of walking with hardly any sleep. We had a GREAT team - we raised over $5,500 & it was a very memorable event. Here is a picture of my friends - who are some of the bravest individuals I know - they are all Cancer survivors!! Keep Smiling ladies - this day was for you!!

June 18th - The 153rd M.P. Unit of the Delaware National Guard left for their Deployment to Iraq - they are scheduled to be gone for a year. It was a very SAD day to see our troops leave. Among them are: my cousin's husband (Ed) - the father of two beautiful little girls; & one of our neighbors (Michael). These individuals are only a few of the 150 individuals that left - we pray for their safe return home!!

June 28th - I joined the China Wait Loss Mom's group and for the first time I have actually written down my goal - so we will see how long it takes me to get to it!! No pressure just determination!
And Finally - We did a camping weekend at the end of the month @ Killen's State Park, DE! We had a GREAT time both camping and at the water park. Here are some pictures!!

Chance & Skyler enjoying the Water Park!
Justin, Bobby, Chance & Skyler taking a fishing break so I could get a picture of all of the kids!
Me, Chance, Skyler & Tonia - taking a break from our bike ride - Bobby & Justin rode on with out us because we were "TOO SLOW" and now they will never know who took this picture...
That's it for June!!